March 13, 2010

First Friday Photos (on the 2nd Saturday)

So its finally First Friday Photos!! Though, its actually the second Saturday. Its been crazy around here for me, a roller coaster of sorts. Along with everything else, I've got a confession to make. You know the term "starving artist"? I find myself identifying with that label more time than not. You see, I'm in the beginning of this career called Photography. I don't have it all together. I'm not rolling in dough. I have to hustle for every dollar I can get, just to make ends meet. And that's fine with me. And more importantly, its okay with my beautiful and loving wife. She is more than supportive. As for my confession. Well, I don't have internet connection at home. That's right, I'm in the dark ages. Why? Simply put, times are tough. So how do I do all of this internetting, with the blog posts, online client proofing, website maintaining, and online socializing? Fortunately we live in an age where there are free WiFi hotspots everywhere. I do my work at home, then head to the Library or McDonalds for blogificating or internetting. I told my wife just the other day "one of these days, we'll be past all this. We'll look back and say 'remember having to go to Panera for WiFi?'" A dear friend and mentor always says "you do what you have to do, so you can do what you want to do." This is so true. By opting out of WiFi at home, I'm freeing up that money for other things, like food on the table. Its the same reason I'm operating CS2, drive a paid off '94 vehicle, and don't have an iphone. Some things in life are mere luxuries that we don't need. Fun? Yes. Like to have them? Yes. Necessary for my life? No. Is this difficult and frustrating? At times, you better believe it is. But for us, for now, it makes sense.

Why am I telling you this? I want you to know, if you are in the same boat, struggling with some of the small things pertaining to our craft, you are not alone. I'm there with you. But my passion for what we do is too great for me to travel easy street. I'll never put down my camera. And I refuse to go into debt for the craft. I am willing to travel a hard road for a time. For how long? I'm not sure. But I am determined to make it. I will pursue this until I make it, and then keep pursuing it. I have no choice. This is what makes me alive.

Now on to my images. I've only a few - last month was slow. Some are of my daughter. And a couple of them are from even further back but never shared. Let me know what you think. Feel free to critique any or all of them. I welcome your thoughts on my work. Like many of you, I need the input of others to improve. You know, iron sharpens iron, no one is an island, and all that. Have a great weekend everyone!

Now, go out and shoot something!


  1. Brilliant post and brilliant work, what an awesome inspiration. Keep it up.

  2. Thanks Christopher! Glad you're enjoying the blog.
